Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Why I got into bitcoin

After the stock market crash of 2007, I watched the response to this issue that different governments took around the world. I became more aware of the role that central banks had in regards to managing the economy. At the same time, Barack Obama became POTUS. I was confident based on his message of hope and change that he would certainly do a stimulus similar to what they did in my country Australia. This was to give ( what I later learned would be called "helicopter money" ) to the people. I think it was around $900 and I am willing to bet that nobody saved this Money. Which was the point of the exercise? I do not remember the how effective this 'helicopter money' was in helping the economy but at the time I believed that it help the Australian economy in the short term. It was a bailout for the people. I won't go into other factors that helped the Australian economy such as the mining boom in this simple blog.

I remember thinking 'I wonder what stimulus package Barack Obama would give to the people of the United States?'. It turned out that they would get nothing and that all the stimulus the US government was given to the banks and wall st.

This is when I became interested, as it appeared to my simple economic understanding be a misstep by Obama. Of course, I was very ignorant in these matters so I started to pay more attention.
Over time I became aware of contrarians such as Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert. Max was pushing this new technology called Bitcoin and I remember the price for these bitcoins was about $10.
At the same time as talking up bitcoin, he was and to this day railed against the federal reserve and how they were doing it all wrong.

While I was aware economic contrarian arguments I was not entirely convinced that there was something wrong with 'money' as I knew it. That was until I saw on YouTube Bill Still's video called 'Money Masters'. This was a 3-hour video that walked you through the last 300 years of money and how it was financed. The documentary extensively used letters and other reference material that proves that what is discussed in the movie is not just Bills opinion but in fact true. In a nutshell, it casts serious doubt on the entire concept of central banks.

This strengthened my desire to get some of these bitcoins, but how do I get them. I must admit it all seemed a bit hard at first. I downloaded the blockchain wallet onto my PC but I did not buy any bitcoin as I was not confident with the whole blockchain idea. At around this time, the price was around $13. Max was still shouting 'buy buy!' on YouTube but I held off. My biggest regret was not buying at $13 but was in fact that I did not do enough research in something I was interested in. Had I have done more research I would have discovered the iPhone app 'blockchain'. The app called 'Blockchain' simplifies owning bitcoin so you don't have worry about the technicalities of the actual blockchain. Although to my defence I did not own an iPhone till the price was around $30 when my blackberry work phone had finally 'given up the ghost'.

Although the 'buy bitcoin seed' was planted, what forced the idea to become reality was when I saw Kim dot com's tweet about how he was going to release a bitcoin credit card. To my knowledge, he never did release the card not that I hold that against him with all the shit he has had to put up with.

The next day after reading Kim's tweet I finally got into bitcoin and the day after that was the start of the Bitcoin roller coaster that all of us Bitcoiners all know and love. :)